The Trump presidency would not have been possible without financial support from wealthy donors and endorsements from public figures. While it is understandable to offer support for one’s political ideals, it can be a fine line that separates acceptable support from a potential conflict of interest.
The following “contributors” may not currently warrant a total boycott on their businesses and ventures, but it is wise to be aware of where the money you spend will ultimately land.
It’s amazing that anyone can think that Trump is “draining the swamp” after noting the lack of qualifications (other than the open checkbooks) of these cabinet picks. What it does resemble is a plutocracy.
- Linda McMahon, World Wrestling Entertainment ($6,002,700 donated to Trump & Allies – now Small Business Administration Head)
- Andy Puzder, CKE Restaurants ($20,800 donated to Trump & Allies, plus $1.3M to Conservatives 1990-2016 – now Dept of Labor Secretary)
- Carl Icahn, Icahn Assoc ($10,800 donated to Trump & Allies, plus $776K to Conservatives 1990-2016 – now Executive Office of the President, Special Advisor on Regulatory Reform)
- David Friedman, Kasowitz, Benson et al ($5,400 donated to Trump & Allies – now Dept of State-US Ambassador to Israel)
- Steven Mnuchin, Goldman Sachs ($5,400 donated to Trump & Allies – now Dept of Treasury Secretary)
- Wilbur Ross, WL Ross & Co ($5,400 donated to Trump & Allies, plus $956K to Conservatives 1990-2016 – now Dept of Commerce Secretary)
- Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil ($2,700 donated to Trump & Allies, plus $429K to Conservatives 1990-2016 – now Dept of State Secretary)
- Betsy DeVos, Windquest Group (over $7M to Conservatives 1990-2016 – now Dept of Education Secretary)
- Robert Mercer ($13.5 million), CEO of New York-based hedge fund Renaissance Technologies – started a super PAC to support Ted Cruz and Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway managed it. When Cruz dropped out, Mercer changed the name of the super PAC from Keep the Promise 1 to Make America Number 1 and focused on supporting Trump’s campaign.
- Sheldon Adelson and Miriam Adelson ($10 million), CEO OF Las Vegas Sands Corporation (LVS) – Sheldon is the CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation. He and his wife both gave $5 million each to the Future45 super PAC. Adelson also gave $1.5 million to the Republican National Convention this year.
- Linda McMahon ($6 million), World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. (WWE) – gave $6 million to the pro-Trump super PAC Rebuilding America Now, making her one of the biggest donors to Trump. McMahon, who runs a company that promotes women in business, has called Trump’s comments about women “deplorable.” She and her husband have given $5 million to the Trump Foundation in the past, according to The Washington Post.
- Bernard Marcus ($7 million), 87-year-old Bernie Marcus is the co-founder and former CEO of Home Depot. He currently sits on the board of the Republican Jewish Coalition. He gave to the Rebuilding America Now and Make America Number 1 super PAC.
- Geoffrey Palmer ($2 million), G.H. Palmer Associates – Donated to Trump’s campaign through the Rebuilding America Now super PAC
- Ronald M Cameron ($2 million), CEO of Mountaire Corp – CEO of an Arkansas-based poultry company called Mountaire Corp. He previously contributed $3 million to Mike Huckabee’s bid for president and donated to the pro-Trump Rebuilding America Now super PAC.
- Peter Thiel ($1.25 million), Palantir Technologies – Venture capitalist Peter Thiel donated to Donald Trump’s campaign through super PACs and the official campaign committee. As a delegate for Trump at the Republican National Convention, Thiel delivered a speech in which he expressed his frustration with America’s “broken economy.” Thiel is also a director at Facebook (FB).
- Walter Buckley Jr ($1 million), Actua Corporation (ACTA) – Buckley is the CEO of Actua Corporation, a publicly-traded venture capital firm that acquires and builds cloud companies. He donated to the Rebuilding America Now super PAC.
- Cherna Moskowitz ($1 million), Hawaiian Gardens Casino – Cherna Moskowitz is the president of Hawaiian Gardens Casino and the Irving Moskowitz Foundation. She donated to Mercer’s Maker America Number 1 super PAC.
- Peter Zieve ($1 million), Electroimpact – the founder and president of Electroimpact, a manufacturing firm that counts Boeing and Airbus among its customers. He gave money to Rebuilding America Now.
Mar-a-Lago is a Trump property that has been dubbed the “Winter White House” and “Southern White House”. Trump often spends taxpayer funded time at the property that requires membership costing thousands of dollars.
- Bill Belichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots
- Bill Koch, Founder of Petroleum and Oil Refiner Oxbow Carbon (would be a significant beneficiary of Keystone XL pipeline)
- Howie Carr, Radio Talk Show Host and Columnist for the Boston Herald
- Thomas Peterffy, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Interactive Brokers Group
- Richard LeFrak, Chairman and CEO of New York City-based Property Company LeFrak
- Janet Weiner, Part Owner and CFO of Rockstar Energy Drink
- Diane Lokey Farb, Real Estate Broker from Houston, Texas
- George Norcross, Insurance Executive and a Leader in New Jersey’s Democratic Party
- Kenneth M. Duberstein, Lobbyist and Corporate Consultant for Companies including Pfizer, Dow Chemicals, and America’s Health Insurance Plans
- Bruce Toll, Co-founder of Toll Brothers Luxury Home Builders
- Jeff Greene, Real Estate Tycoon and Energy Investor
- James Dolan, Owner of the New York Knicks and Executive Chairman of The Madison Square Garden Company
- Beth Stern, Actress, Model, and the Wife of Howard Stern
- Avram Glazer, Family Owns the NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Controls the English Football Club Manchester United
- James Patterson, Bestselling Fiction Author
- Diane Hendricks, CEO of ABC Supply – donated/raised funds for Trump and/or super PAC
- Doug Lebda, CEO and Founder of LendingTree – serves as a co-chair for Great America super PAC
- Liz Uihlein, President of Uline Corp. – raised funds for Trump
- Pete Coors, Chairman at MillerCoors – raised funds for Trump
- Linda Bean, Member of Board of Directors, LL Bean and Owner, Linda Bean’s Perfect Maine – Gave $60,000 to Elect Donald Trump, via a PAC she set up called Making America Great Again (contribution was illegal as the donation exceeded the $5,000 limit for political action committees and the group was questioned by the Federal Elections Commission)
- Jerry Falwell, president of Liberty University in Virginia, Jerry Falwell Jr. broke with many social conservatives when he endorsed Trump.
- Jr doubles down on Trump support after Trump’s 2nd impeachment and states he’d give Trump another honorary degree if he could
- Willie Robertson, “Duck Dynasty” reality television personality endorsed Trump in January, breaking from the political beliefs of his father, Phil Robertson, who has endorsed Ted Cruz.
- Brian France, NASCAR CEO who said, “I’ve known Donald for over 20 years, I’m going to tell you one thing: You know about his winning and success. He wins with his family. Any of his children, you’d be proud to have in your family. That’s how I judge a winner.”
- The New York Observer editorial board, which focused on Trump’s optimistic message and can-do leadership, necessary, the editorial states, in the face of “profound alienation, anger and disillusionment of millions of Americans.” It adds: “Donald Trump is the father-in-law of the Observer’s publisher. That is not a reason to endorse him. Giving millions of disillusioned Americans a renewed sense of purpose and opportunity is.”
- Sheldon Adelson, CEO OF Las Vegas Sands Corporation formally endorsed Trump in mid-May, saying that he didn’t agree with Trump on all issues but would be better than Hillary Clinton.
- Wayne Newton, the artist known as “Mr. Las Vegas,” gave Trump the thumbs up on a Fox and Friends episode.
- Vojislav Šešelj, the far-right leader of Serbia’s Nationalist party (currently awaiting the verdict of a UN tribunal on whether he committed war crimes in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) — wants to “make America great again.” In early January, Šešelj tweeted, “I call on brother Serbs who live in the USA to strongly support Republican Party candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential elections.” He and Trump might not have a lot in common, but they share a disdain for Muslims.
- Ann Coulter, conservative commentator has long been a vocal opponent of comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Even so, she says she didn’t know much about Trump “until he won me over with that Mexican rapist speech. … He’s just always cared about America first.”
- David Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby endorsed Donald Trump for President, basing his entire decision on religious liberty through his Supreme Court appointments
- Mike Lindell, founder of My Pillow, vocal Trump supporter who hoped his relationship could help speed approval for a COVID treatment he’d invested in
Donor and endorsement information from online sources including,, and
Share on social media and help stop the flow of money and power to this dangerous fringe that lives outside of reality. Share any updates (requests for additions or removals) with a linkable source in the comments below.

To learn more about where Trump makes money that supports his policies, visit these additional boycott pages:
- Trump’s Entertainment Ventures
- Trump products at retail stores
- Attractions that are owned or operated by Trump
Sales in Ivanka Trump’s clothing line have hit record highs. Her new perfume is the number one seller on Amazon. The boycott seems to be a resounding success! You all really stuck it to Wayne Newton for that thumb’s up he gave to Trump.
Pfff. See what happens when you watch FOX News, Jen? You are completely misinformed. Ivanka’s line has been shuttered due to the free fall in sales. Sorry to have to break this little tidbit of reality to you. The Trump name is toxic. Have a nice day.
I love Trump and will support every business listed that sells Trump products.
Thanks for the list. Now I know where I can get all my Trump Gear.
Going after children is horrific.
Thanks for the list of retailers and so forth that I should shop at! (Note: Those are the ones that support Trump.) And how dare you go after his children! Maybe someone should go after YOUR children, hmm?
Are you offering to go after my children Wang? (Have to admit, it’s so hard not to laugh when typing your last name ?) I’ve raised them well, they know how to put idiots in their place. Not concerned.
This is nothing more than an organized hate group. I will be sure to shop at all the stores you list! Who is funding your site….George Sorros?
Thanks for the list. I will use to buy Trump products. I will tell all my friends and coworkers.
I will be SURE to shop at all the TRUMP SUPPORTING ONLY stores from now on. I truly cant beleive this “grab your wallett” site is actually trying to tell people where to shop & who to boycott! Does no one have any time to get a actual life?? And sadly for all the “people” who have nothing better to do than go and protest, please go find a meaningful life!! And enough with bullying people who respect this world and have respect for our president Donald Trump. It truley makes me sick, people actually have nothing better to do than have anti-trump sites!!!! Let his family do what they want in life. Have they hurt you with any of there success or job endevours? I doubt it!!! Honestly find something worthwhile to do with your lifes!! If your so upset, you should have VOTED! Instead it seems your small minds cant grasp we have a new president and sadly youd rather ruin his & his familys jobs/reputations/acheivments/etc… With your sites & telling people were to shop & go protest. Some people have a life and we choose to shop, buy things at any stores we choose. Before you notice it, the real people who care about our president & this world will all be boycotting you!!!! Im truley disgusted in seeing fellow american people act like this. I guess some people just think there can bully & tell stores/shops what to carry and to bad for the stores that go along with you. Soon they will also loose there business im sure. Ps. Fyi wallett grabbers, didnt you see some of the companies you listed as trump free, they were actually in the whitehouse for 2 of the meetings Pres. Trump had. Guess you shld pay attention to who dosent care what you try to tell people where to shop. Im with so many americans and il makesure to boycott all stores that dropped Trump products and il stick with shops that care about our country and also that are disgusted by your little website that soon shall pass. Im going shopping at trump friendly stores.
Difficult to see how political activism=not having a life. Seems to me it’s using our lives for a positive purpose. That point of view shows that you will just sit by and let bad things happen because you have a “life” or whatever. I hope you don’t have anyone that relies on you, you will surely let them down with your passivity.
Learn English, perhaps? Your spelling and grammar remind me of our barely coherent and virtually illiterate president. He’s an embarrassment every time he speaks. My 8 year old has a more expressive vocabulary. And knows a subject from a predicate too.
you folks are really low rent… grow up, give our president a chance and see what happens. I can’t imagine if the election had gone the other way… Mr. Obama was given chance after chance after chance.
Yeah, let’s give the big, egomaniacal child a chance with the future of our country. Smart. Obama didn’t need a chance, he was a competent leader. You only need to give a “chance” to people who are inherently untrustworthy and suspect. I refuse to give a “chance” to such a person when there is so much at stake.
I’ll give him a chance as soon as he starts telling the truth….about everything. I’m just trying to figure him out, is he a compulsive liar, think we are too dumb to figure out the truth, being given incorrect information from his incompetent staff, doesn’t take the time to learn the truth or just doesn’t care and makes it up as he goes? How can you trust someone who lies about such trivial things?
Well it’s six months later and trump is still the same misogynistic moron he was before he became the president. “Sad”. I think he has had his chance. He has proven that all he cares about is his bottom line. So I will be boycotting trump and all those who are connected to him. This includes his GROWN children who continue to also make a profit off of there father’s presidency.
I love this, now I know who to give my money too… I will support anyone on this list?.. Protesters holding signs all day obviously have no time for work. But most trump supporters have no time to hold signs because of work.. So I am a trump supporter that knows who to give my money too, thnx..
I too will be supporting these companies on this list. We went along with obama and his agenda, because he was elected by the people, well, Mr Trump has now been elected by the people, you should support him as well. You voted in the last election for your agendas, well, the country has spoken, get over it! And don’t give me the electoral crap. If that was the way it went, then only a few states would decide for us all.
Electoral college means only a few states decide for us all…the “swing” states. Learn up.
libtroller shows his ignorance:) – I am glad New York and California couldn’t elect Hil-liar
PLuke shows his ass ?
Yeah usually it’s California and new York that decide election with all their electoral votes
“Swing states”, i.e. states that could potentially go for one party or another, decide elections in the electoral college system, that’s why candidates spend more time in those states. California and New York are not swing states, they typically vote Democrat. Still think CA and NY decide elections? Hillary won both and still lost. If you’re going to talk out of your ass. Tina, you should probably wipe first.
Yeah guess Hilary should have spent more time in those swing states if count so much. Always been polite in debate with u libtroller. No need for you to get angry and rude with me. I do understand it’s been hard for u dealing with Hilary loss but no excuse
Sigh…here we go again. Not upset about Hillary. She wasn’t even my candidate. This isn’t about Hillary. I would hardly call what you do on this forum “debate.” It’s just the typical deflections like “well what about Hillary/Obama/Bill Clinton/the moon landing/snack cakes/Ivaaaaannnnkkkkaaaaaaa…” I’d be more than happy to exchange ideas with you if you can come up with ideas that are cogent and relevant.
Guess hilary should have campaigned more in those states then. In all my exchanges and debates with u i have never been rude libtroller. Your remarks directed at me were particularly rude and mean. I do understand u r upset at losing the election but no excuse for rudeness
Dave, Joe & many others
I agree very low rent! I cant agree with you all more. Its time the little protestors got a life/a job. Im so grateful H. Clinton is not our president. Im also going to shop in Trump supporting stores. I can easily boycott the ones who cave to some pressure from a website, designed by a “person” who actually has nothing better to do, than bully & put down people who support our new president D. Trump??
The people like you calling this “low rent” are just exposing their prejudice against those who struggle economically. The fact that someone’s economic status is an insult to you shows your true colors. Who’s the bully?!? Of course you support that intolerant, hateful, condescending idiot, you’re just like him.
Thank you so much for this comprehensive list. I am starting to review it and will make sure I stop supporting anything connected to the Trump family empire. This sheds some light on the network of supporters who don’t want to make America great again!
I agree
but his family is working with him in government. So why should they be exempt…Listen to what he is really like
I believe federal laws prohibit anyone working in the Federal Government from profiting from their work, so his kids working for the US are fair game.
Any family member of Trump’s that is a target of the boycott is a target not because they’re his family, but because they helped him get elected and continue to support him politically. Once you throw yourself into the political arena like that, it’s naive to think you’re immune. And stop yelling, dude.
You are a wacky bunch of hate filled liberals and anti-patriots. You belong in Cuba or Venezuela. Plus your approach is idiotic. You are actually giving the people you “hate” free advertising and their sales and profits are more likely to increase than decrease because of you! How ironic. Thanks for my holiday shopping list!!
If you paid attention you’d see the movement is working. As for Cuba and Venezuela, they have firmly-established dictatorships. I think I’ll stick around and see if I can help prevent the one that seems to want to form here.
Given his approval ratings, I’m guessing this will hurt more than help Comrade Trump.
Just found the one I will never support…Maybe you want a dictator who is harming our country I don’t
MLK said is nothing is more dangerous than ignorance in action…clearly, from some of the comments condemning this important action, there is pervasive and perverse level of ignorance dominating within the “can’t do anything wrong Trump fanatics…” but they will smarten up real quick once Trump and his billionaire boys club cabinet begin social-economic policies that tear at these fans lives…in the meantime, there are those amongst you who thank you so very much for the extensive work that went into complying this smart list…history has shown that boycotts absolutely work…I will spread the word/website…
just purchased my first Ivanka Trump jewelry for my wife for valentine’s for my wife. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront. sh*t goes both ways snowflakes!
Rooting for you to FINALLY get that blowie from your wife, John Smith, from your wife! Just be sure to fantasize about Orange Julius Cesar while you’re getting (begging for) it.
On behalf of Comrade Putin and Trump we thank you for your purchase! We really needed a little more of your hard earned cash to add to our billions.
Get it while you can!
You should add New Balance shoes to the list of boycott products. Their owner and Chairman Jim Davis gave $400,000 to Trump and New Balance made a pro-Trump comment in November. I have worn New Balance shoes for over 25 years but have thrown my two pair away. Never again.
Should have given your shoes to charity.
I have withdrawn support of the Red Cross as they are using Trump hotels for fundraising.
I believe that if we refuse to support organizations that support Trump we will have more impact. If Trump’s bottom line crashes then he will get out.
Leslie- You should check your facts, the Trump Corporation donated rooms and meeting rooms to the Red Cross. I guess in your mind that’s a bad thing?
I’m sure the Red Cross will still come to your aid if and when you need it.
Please tell the Red Cross what you’ve done if, God forbid, you should ever need their help Leslie. And I pray you don’t need them. Dennis is right. They are donated. Most people have no idea of the amount of donations President Trump has made. I believe I’m correct when I say he is taking no salary for the role of President either. Something else the media never talks about.
Who needs a presidential salary when you’re already using the position to make money?
April. “Re; no salary for Donald Trump” your right he did say he will not take the yearly salary. I know of many networks who never tell the truth. I think its great he gave rooms to red cross. I only hope someday people will put down there lil protest signs & see him for the President we elected & give him the respect he deserves. Instead of trying to make sure he goes bankrupt, what a sad world, when people have nothing better to focus on.
You dumb liberals just don’t get it .The liberals want to give every thing away and be a sugar daddy to the world while out country goes to hell.
Wake up get smart .We have laws don’t we the dam law says they aren’t supposed to swim the river from mexico the law says they are supposed to come here legally so
for years we haven’t inforced the law now we are .
This boycott these stores just may backfire they are just as many trump supporters as the ones that wanted crooked hillary so If we don’t shop and you don’t shop in these stores you may just put the store out of business yes ivanka won’t get to sell her product you think with 150 mill in her pocket this will really hurt her that much it will force store closing and lots of people that need a job to feed there family will be hurt the most. Get a real life.
Yeah, Obama handed Trump the best economy any president has handed over in 20 years. Sure sounds like hell.
Hi Carole, Thanks for confirming that comment I made. I was pretty sure it was correct, but glad to see it was and others are aware also. I couldn’t agree more with the things you said. And you’re right, the media is full of networks which continue to lie and twist so many things about President Trump. I too hope all of this nonsense stops. It is very sad.
Unsubstantiated emotional garbage!
If you were truly interested in this country’s future you could worry about something that is really difficult like families, poverty and drug use and ignore what other people spend their money on!
Grab Your Wallet is a very powerful tool and keep up the good work. If it’s one thing the right wing understands, it’s the loss of money. You can see that from the squeals from right wing posters on your site.
You should add all the businesses connected with the Ricketts in Chicago. Huge Tump backers. Boycott the Cubs – supporting them supports Trump!
Boycott TD Ameritrade – their cash cow.
The Grab Your Wallet Movement and the people behind it show that LIBERAL FASCISM IS ALIVE AND WELL in the US. I am a registered Democrat that voted for Donald Trump, and the man is doing what his voters tasked him to do. Get a life and do something productive like ASKING THE CEO OF A COMPANY THAT IS LOSING REVENUE WHY THEY GET RID OF THE WORKER WHILE THEIR OBSCENE SALARY IS NOT TOUCHED. Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus as examples.
If you’re proud of what Trump is doing, you’re no Democrat. You should probably turn in your woman card too. Unless you like being grabbed by the ?, then by all means…
As Winston Churchill once is rumored to have said:
Even though large tracts of the U.S. and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of Trump and all the odious apparatus of his Nazi-like rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Wahington, we shall fight for the seas and oceans and the fresh clean air, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength, we shall defend our country, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight in the courts and the congresses, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!
Were this a joke, or a bad dream….
Unfortunatley our nightmares have come to pass.
And we must do what we can to wake the population.
Thank-you for this list!! I will certainly not support any of the businesses or donors who are supporting this hate filled administration! Great idea and great work. Hit them where is hurts–$$$$$.
Grab your wallet is a hate group.
It is! They hate racism, bigotry, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia and prejudice. Those haters!
Thank you for offering advice that women around the world should boycott Women entrepreneurs such as Ivanka and Melania Trump. It’s certainly good to understand your point of views, and to know that your organization is AGAINST Women in Business, and that you do not support Women’s Equal Rights to be self-employed and own a business in this day and age. For example, Ivanka did not choose her family, and good or bad, she is the daughter of the president of the United States. Asking people and retailers to boycott her products hurts the cause of millions of women just trying to get a break in a predominantly man’s world, and punishes those like herself that have brains, and work tirelessly to own their own business. Very smart indeed Grab Your Wallet. Thank you for helping my cause as a woman.
Please know that I do NOT plan to support your advice. I will shop at retailers that choose to carry not only Ivanka Trump’s products but those of other Women Entrepreneurs such as herself. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. Women should be helping other women be successful!!!
Ivanka Trump isn’t targeted because she’s a woman or because she’s Trump’s daughter. She’s targeted because she publicly supports him and his policies. If she had sense and renounced his politics, she would be nowhere near the list.
Love how you are boycotting LL Bean, on of the largest employers of REAL women in rural Maine, simply because Linda Bean, a Board Member and NOT an Officer, supported Trump. Shows how selective your support of Women is and how out of touch your understanding of main stream America is. I am a proud Democrat who voted for Trump because of the foolishness of this thinking and the fools that currently are leading my Party. This “CAUSE” driven boycott only makes you feel good in your little fishbowl.
Get involved with a real struggle like rural poverty or opioid addiction, then pitch a meaningful boycott and I’ll be all in. Your self indulgence in this selective outrage is vain and disappointing to those who have truly worked for meaningful change. Trump isn’t the problem, you are….
What’s this about REAL women, Tim? Are there fake women running around somewhere? Anyway, the tactic is obvious: boycott the brand because of Linda Bean’s support of Trump, the brand notices, and she resigns from the board, which expresses the corporation’s understanding that Trump and his politics are unpopular with regular people that buy stuff. Not difficult to understand. And as for being a proud Democrat who voted for Trump, I don’t think “Democrat” means what you think it means. Might explain why you don’t get what’s going on.
post Clintons donations also so we can boycott them
There are no Clintons in power actively ruining the country, so that would be pointless. Like your comment.
Please add Pizza Ranch
I do not see Walmart anywhere on any list, is it overlooked or are they ok to shop with….I will boycott any store that does business with any Trump family member
Sorry Sharon, you can no longer shop at Walmart or Sam’s Club. I will be shopping at these fine stores every chance I get.